Just a Harmless Bit of Smut
I bring to you naked men, snarky musings, and other funny shit.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sky Rockets Contest Winners
Monday, July 4, 2011
Sky Rockets in Flight Blog Hop Delight
- This contest is open to US residents only.
- Ebooks/electronic files are intended for the winner(s) ONLY. Permission is NOT given to forward to others or post to file sharing sites.
-All winners have two weeks to claim their prizes. If I do not hear from winner(s) within two weeks of posting, I will draw another name(s).

And the winner is...
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A Girl’s Guide to Dating a Werewolf
Hi, everyone! (And thanks so much to Monica for inviting me to post! Yay, Monica!)
For fun, I thought I’d write up a guide to dating werewolves (cause, you know, that guide could come in handy one dark night). The heroine of my upcoming release, NEVER CRY WOLF, has particular expertise in this department. Since she got her happily-ever-after with a wolf shifter, I thought I’d share some tips that Sarah King compiled during her…ah…courtship with wolf alpha, Lucas Simone.
Tip #1: Werewolves growl. Get used to it. Sure, it may be annoying at first, but under the right circumstances, it can be sexy. Go with it.
Tip #2: Beware of a jealous wolf. Those guys can get all freakishly territorial over a little thing like an ex-lover appearing. Be patient. EXTREMELY patient. And expect growls.
Tip #3: Other women will want your man. It’s that whole animal attraction bit. It’ll be your turn to be jealous. Feel free to growl yourself.
Tip #4: Don’t expect a lot of candlelit dinners. Werewolves are more the long walk/runs-through-the-night type guys.
Tip #5: Even an alpha wolf has a weak spot—you just have to find it. But finding that spot is half the fun.
Tip #6: It really helps to love animals. If you hate dogs, stay away from wolves. Just sayin’.
Tip #7: Werewolves have an extremely strong sense of smell. Use that to your advantage. The right lotion or perfume can drive him insane. Insane.
Tip #8: Keep a pair of back-up jeans handy for your guy. He’s gonna get naked sooner or later. Either because he’s shifting…or because he’s with you.
Now it’s your turn! Got any tips for dating a werewolf that you’d like to share? One commenter will be picked at random to win a copy of NEVER CRY WOLF.
Cynthia Eden
NEVER CRY WOLF—Available 6/28/11 from Kensington Brava
Be afraid of the big, bad wolf…
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Guest Blogger: Anya Winter
Thanks Monica for letting me guest post on your blog. There’s one thing about Twitter that I love - it’s meeting and developing friendships with people just like you :) You are an absolute doll. Chocolate worthy for sure ;)
There’s something exciting about a blank page. It’s filled with endless possibilities. Those first few words that you type - they ground you in the direction you want your book to go.
For me, I love the adventure. The journey is more important to me than the map. I like to know important parts of the map - the starting destination and the ending. But how I get there - I’m okay with detours. Growing up we used to go on weekend trips as a family. From the moment we left our driveway we never knew where we would end up. We would take turns deciding on the direction. At every stop sign someone would get to decide if we go straight, left or right. Sometimes we would have designated stops in mind, but whether it was at the beginning, middle or end didn’t matter. As long as we got there. That’s what counted.
Every trip was an adventure.
That’s my strategy with my stories. I know where I’m starting, and I know how I want it to end, but how I get there - that’s the fun part.
Especially when it comes to those steamy scenes. Guaranteed, I will have every single steamy, erotic or sensual scene written by the time my second chapter is completed. We all know that what happens between the heroine and hero sexually is what drives the rest of the story. I find that by writing these scenes before I actually get to them in the story, it shows me my heroines vulnerability and my hero’s weak points. I get a taste of what they’ve had to overcome to get to this point. I begin to see the steps I need to take to get them there.
Someone once told me I write my scenes backwards. Usually people will save these scenes to the ends and just place markers in their story labelled *steamy scene here*. Not me. I’m all about the passion. They are my favorite scenes to write. That and my beginnings :)
Anya Winter is the pen name for Steena Holmes. You can find The Master at Liquid Silver Books. A week long celebration for the release is going on over atwww.steenaholmes.com - prizes to be won every day and many of them have to do with chocolate!

Monday, June 13, 2011
Men In Bikini Underwear
Friday, June 10, 2011
First Sale Friday: Cassandra Carr

Drew doesn’t want to lose a great producer and knows Jamie deserves a real relationship, but can’t stay away from the sizzling chemistry they create every time they’re together. Jamie’s insecurities and the very real prospect of having to leave a great job if this thing doesn’t work out, coupled with Drew’s fears about opening his heart and the possibility of losing his first competent producer clash.
By the time the show ended and Jamie thought about how long it would take her to shut everything down for the night, then hustle herself off to the subway station and take the three different trains to get to her apartment all the way out in Brooklyn, she was truly afraid she would self-combust.
Drew ran out of the place like a bomb scare had been called in, so at least she didn’t have to worry about him anymore. Nonetheless, Jamie waited a good ten minutes past when she was finished with her nightly duties, then made her way back to the small production room where she and Drew had recorded his promo earlier. She knew a copy of it would still be stored on the computer in the room, and after scooting in and shutting the door, she booted it up. She told herself she needed to check it one more time before giving it to the station manager tomorrow, but who was she kidding? She needed to hear him but in a safe environment. Where she couldn’t do anything stupid. She needed his voice to weave inside her, through her, like a drug.
The rough yet strangely melodic sounds of Drew’s voice drifted over Jamie as she leaned back in her chair. Closing her eyes, she pictured his face in her mind -- his to-die-for lips traveling down the length of her body, just as her hand was doing at the moment; his navy blue eyes, focused only on her as he brought her to orgasm… She reached the button of her jeans and eased them open, propping her feet up on the desk.
She couldn’t believe she was doing this at work, but no one was around, and if she didn’t do something to assuage this ache, she was likely to jump him the next time she saw him. Bad idea. Bad, bad idea. Fantasizing about the man was one thing; straddling his powerful, muscular thighs in the studio chair and offering herself to him was another. That thought brought another rush of heat to her pussy, and she moaned. She needed serious help.
At first she just teased herself a little, rubbing outside her panties, but it soon became too much. She needed relief too badly to continue to torment herself. As Drew’s voice continued to assail her from all directions in the small, windowless room, she pushed her hand down inside the waistband of her panties and through her curls until she found the damp center of her sex. The sweet smell of her musk wafted up to tickle her nose, arousing her even more.
Twirling her fingers as much as the constricting position allowed her to, she imagined they were Drew’s tongue instead. She let out a plaintive moan as the picture caused her juices to flow even more, soaking her fingers. Plunging two of them into her pussy, she pressed her thumb on her clit, craving the direct stimulation. Jamie gasped as shock waves of pleasure shot from her pussy through her clit and up her spine, her back arching. And through it all, Drew’s voice urged her to new heights.
HS: WHEW!!! How did you know I liked the naughty stuff? Sounds awesome! When can we get our greedy hands on it?
CC: Talk to Me released on March 22nd, so you can get your greedy hands on it right now!
HS: Where? Where? Where?
CC: Talk to Me is currently available through my publisher, Loose Id, and http://www.loose-id.com/Talk-to-Me.aspx. It should be on Amazon within a month or so.
HS: What are you working on now?
CC: I am just about ready to turn in a holiday-themed BDSM novella to Loose Id, and after that I’m writing an MS targeted to Harlequin Desire. I also have a non-erotic hockey romance on submittal (Should’ve Known Better – mentioned above), and a trilogy of bull rider books also out on submittal.
HS: OOOH! Nice (or should I say naughty!). What advice do you have for "Soon to be Published" Writers?
CC: Write, write, write. I have seen a noticeable improvement in my writing with every single manuscript I finish. Also, about finishing…to be a writer, you not only have to start writing a book, you have finish writing it. A million half-baked projects get you nowhere. And don’t query too early, no matter how much you want to or how sick of the MS you are. Be totally sure it’s ready for submitting before you dare send it out.
HS: So now for some fun stuff! Boxers or briefs?
CC: Briefs – why hide a great ass in a pair of baggy boxers?
HS: Really? I think you're the first to say that. But you can't hide a great ass under a bushel... Who's your ideal hero?
CC: I consider the hero from my first book, Should’ve Known Better, to be pretty much perfect. It’s like I took every attribute I love in a man and coalesced them all together to form Sebastian. I’m actually jealous that my heroine landed him!
HS: I sometimes hate my heroines. They get all the good men! What about facial hair? Chest hair? Yes? No? For your man, of course!
CC: Well, my hubby has a goatee, as well as copious hair on other parts of his body, so I’ll say YAY facial and bodily hair. Just try to keep it neatly trimmed, gentlemen.
There you go! Thanks, Cassandra, for visiting Harmless Smut!