Thursday, August 20, 2009


Sorry that it's been three weeks! Time flies.

Let's see. What's happened since my last post? I turned in my edits yesterday. I had planned on doing it earlier but then I decided to rewrite the entire ending so it took longer than I expected. I like the new end better but now I have to see what my editor says about it. However, I am happy that I made my deadline.

It's so weird that my book is coming out in a little over six weeks. I think I'm still in shock. A blissful state to be sure. Now all I have to do is hope that everyone else enjoys it as much as my editor. My stomach is literally roiling now that I have to worry about reviews. SCARY!! But I don't want to think about that now. Now, I'm going to work on the other projects that I put on the backburner. Some revisions on another story and another novella that my editor may like.

Later Gators

1 comment:

Helen Hardt said...

Glad the edits are done!